Embracing the Future: Dome Homes as Resilient Housing Solutions for Climate Disasters

A Look into Dome Homes as the New Trend in Climate-Resilient Living

In the early 2010s, futurist Son Hyun-joo presented the "2030 Korean Scenario" in her doctoral thesis at the University of Hawaii. This scenario envisioned four distinct visions for the future of Korea. One of these, the "Collapse Scenario," revolves around the impact of climate change-induced natural disasters. Imagine snowfalls exceeding one meter, relentless three-week-long rains causing the worst flooding in the Han River basin, and citizens seeking refuge in climate-resistant dome homes. With increasing climate uncertainties worldwide, this scenario is not limited to Korea alone.

Fast-forward to the present, and the futuristic climate scenarios of a decade ago are becoming a reality in the United States. As wildfires and hurricanes intensify across diverse climates, the demand for homes that can withstand these natural disasters is rising.

The Diaspora of Climate Refugees: A Societal Phenomenon

Recent reports in The New York Times highlighted cases like that of retired software engineer John Du Sang. After experiencing the devastating 2020 California wildfires, Du Sang purchased real estate in Sierra Nevada's eastern valley. His plan? To build a 9-meter high dome home, complete with aluminum cladding that reflects heat and resists fire. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over 3.3 million people were displaced by weather-related disasters in 2022, with around 1.2 million of them staying away from their homes for over a month, and more than half a million never returning. The phenomenon of climate refugees seeking alternative housing has become a social reality.

Distinctive design of dome homes, notably the crescent-shaped Geo-Dome.

The Strength of Dome Homes Against Climate Disasters

The key to dome structures lies in their ability to evenly distribute weight and pressure, resulting in enhanced durability even without a robust foundation. Their smaller surface area reduces material usage and enables easy adaptation to fluctuating external temperatures, thereby reducing energy costs. Moreover, the absence of supporting columns allows for more spacious interiors.

Among the popular variations, the Geo-Dome is particularly resilient against hurricanes. Its triangular arrangement minimizes wind exposure and the triangular shape enhances load-bearing capacity. The Geo-Dome architectural concept was developed by renowned architect Buckminster Fuller in the 1950s and has stood the test of time.

Natural Spaces Domes, a Minnesota-based company, reports a significant increase in dome home demand. Their CEO anticipates selling up to 40 dome homes this year, doubling their workforce to meet the surge in demand.

Weathering the Storm: Dome Homes in Action

Dome homes showcased their strength during the 2005 Hurricane Katrina disaster in Louisiana. While conventional homes suffered damage, dome homes remained largely unscathed. Max Beige, a resident who lost his home to a hurricane, rebuilt with a dome structure in 2008 and has since weathered every storm without any issues.

The Appeal and Popularity

Dome home seekers share two common traits: a heightened awareness of climate threats and a sense of adventure. They seek enduring solutions while embracing innovation.

Challenges and Prospects

While dome homes offer resilience, they also present challenges. Their unique shape limits interior space utilization, making them better suited for temporary or auxiliary housing. Additionally, the increasing difficulty of obtaining homeowners' insurance due to extreme weather events is contributing to the surge in dome home popularity.


Dome homes are emerging as a trend in climate-resilient housing, driven by the need for homes that can withstand intensifying natural disasters. Their unique design and features make them an appealing option for those seeking a combination of durability, energy efficiency, and innovation in the face of an uncertain climate future.
